Routes and Routes (and occasional curves)
08/02/25 15:06
I’ve used Routes in Pokémon Go a few times, but given my usual (non Pokémon) routes around Liverpool I thought it would be good to have some which fit my more common walks around the city. So to that end I’ve created a few of my own. This means that now if I am walking between Dr Duncan’s and the Vines, or the Vines and the Grapes I can follow these paths rather than find a path a little out of the way by the necessity of following other prescribed routes; for instance there’s one from the Vines (or Lidl) to the top of Bold Street. They may be close to where I want to go to, but they leave me walking a bit of a way from my ultimate destination.

The first time I set up a route it was from a very common walk of mine between the key venues of The Vines (Big House) and Dr Duncan’s. The former being where I quite often watch the matches on the telly boxes and the latter being the lovely pub closest to Queen Square (where my bus comes in). Unfortunately either my phone or provider developed a GPS issue and so for my first one it randomly put in a strange switch back to the route—so if you want to do it you have to double back on yourself and start the route again to complete the route (it’s not too far but it is not ideal to retrace your steps in that way).

A wayward wiggle on the way from the Doctors
To those that haven’t done it; you actually select a start point and the end point (which have to be Gyms or Poké Stops) and then you physically do the walk you want to between them. When you get to the end you have to put in some details (name and description etc) but unfortunately there’s no editing capability if there are any errors which you’d like to correct (like this GPS one).
I’ve since created my second route (Vines to the Grapes) and then a third (The Grapes to The Philharmonic). In reality I was doing it to the Queen of Hope Street, but there is no Poké Stop for the QOHS so needs must.

Anyways, if you want to do a decent pub crawl taking in three consecutive routes (and hence pick up some Zygarde Cells on the way!) then you could follow these three (‘From the Doctors to the Big’ - ‘Grapes & Vines’ - ‘From the Grapes and Upwards’) whilst taking in the following pubs:
Dr Duncans
The Vines
Queen of Hope Street
Philharmonic Pub
If you don’t get any Zygarde Cells you can at least get yourself some decent ales and your daily steps in (and maybe catch some decent footy as well).

The first time I set up a route it was from a very common walk of mine between the key venues of The Vines (Big House) and Dr Duncan’s. The former being where I quite often watch the matches on the telly boxes and the latter being the lovely pub closest to Queen Square (where my bus comes in). Unfortunately either my phone or provider developed a GPS issue and so for my first one it randomly put in a strange switch back to the route—so if you want to do it you have to double back on yourself and start the route again to complete the route (it’s not too far but it is not ideal to retrace your steps in that way).

A wayward wiggle on the way from the Doctors
To those that haven’t done it; you actually select a start point and the end point (which have to be Gyms or Poké Stops) and then you physically do the walk you want to between them. When you get to the end you have to put in some details (name and description etc) but unfortunately there’s no editing capability if there are any errors which you’d like to correct (like this GPS one).
I’ve since created my second route (Vines to the Grapes) and then a third (The Grapes to The Philharmonic). In reality I was doing it to the Queen of Hope Street, but there is no Poké Stop for the QOHS so needs must.

Anyways, if you want to do a decent pub crawl taking in three consecutive routes (and hence pick up some Zygarde Cells on the way!) then you could follow these three (‘From the Doctors to the Big’ - ‘Grapes & Vines’ - ‘From the Grapes and Upwards’) whilst taking in the following pubs:
Dr Duncans
The Vines
Queen of Hope Street
Philharmonic Pub
If you don’t get any Zygarde Cells you can at least get yourself some decent ales and your daily steps in (and maybe catch some decent footy as well).
Pokémon Go
13/06/24 08:13

I’ve been playing Pokémon Go for a few years now after being introduced into it by several bar staff in different pubs. I am unsure whether I should thank them or blank them. But suffice to say I’m now at the mighty Level of 41. That’s largely down to me getting buses into and out of town. The number of Poké Stops I pass and Pokémon I see makes progress relatively easy. Of course whilst those 30 to 40 minutes each way have regularly been used for progressing on Pokémon I could have used to for reading. I mean it’s mind boggling how many books I could have read instead of this basically nothingy game. But hell, I like it. Every Perfect or Shiny I get makes me happy. Not insanely happy, but it’s a game isn’t it? And I enjoy doing well in games whether it’s Wordle, Connections, Scrabble, or Pokémon.
I deleted the online Scrabble game I used to play (Words with Friends) a few years ago as I couldn’t stop myself playing as soon as a move had been made by someone else whatever time it was played. I realised it was eating my time up throughout the day. I suppose at least Pokémon is usually just eating time up when I’m on a bus commute. And I can confirm that the No. 17 bus I get into Liverpool isn’t necessarily the best place for book reading. I may not have read that many more books really: and I’m Level 41 now—with 33 Perfect Pokémon and multiple Legendary and Mythical ones too. Bet you’re jealous. Then again, probably not.

My Fave ones? Well I guess the ones I use most for battles would be Primarina and Swampert, which are both 4* (aka Perfect) but I still need a bit of work to get the CP maxed out—and to get a Mega Swampert.

These are some of my current collections of Legendary and Mythical Pokémon: